Monday, May 25, 2020
Principle Component Analysis ( Pca ) - 1329 Words
PCA model Principle component analysis (PCA) is often used to reduce the dimensionality of a data set, and the reduced data can then explain most of the variance within the original data (Guo, Wang Louie, 2004). The main function of the PCA is to convert a number of interrelated variables into a smaller set of independent variables. The new independent variables which are called principal components (PCs). They are the linear combinations of the original variables (Jackson J.E., 2005). The PCA model can be expressed as (Miller et al., 2002): Z_ik=∑_(j=1)^pââ€"’ã€â€"G_ij H_jk ã€â€" i=1,2,†¦,m;k=1,2,†¦,n (1) Where: G_ij= the correlation of compound i with factor j H_jk= the relative impact of jth factor for the total contaminant of the kth†¦show more content†¦Standardization of the original data before the PCA can help us better understand how the variables influence the analysis (Thurston Spengler, 1985). Before applying the standardized data to the PCA, the outliers should be excluded. A sensitivity analysis should be done to determine the outliers which should be removed. The suspected outliers should be removed from the data set one at a time until the PCA reaches a stable result and the further exclusion of the samples has very little effect on the PCA results (Swietlicki et al., 1996). Outputs The output of the PCA based on Matlab includes the following: â€Å"coeff†file, â€Å"score†file, â€Å"latent†file, â€Å"tsquared†file, and the â€Å"explained†file. The â€Å"coeff†file is a matrix of the principal component coefficients, or we can call them loadings. If the input matrix is n-by-p, then the coefficient matrix should be p-by-p. The columns of the coefficient matrix represent the principal components, and the columns are placed in descending order according to the component variance. The â€Å"score†file gives us a matrix of the principal component score which represents the input matrix in the new principal component space. The score file represents the projection of theShow MoreRelatedImprove ATM Security by Face Recognition Essay1373 Words  | 6 Pagesbuzzer is connected on the FPGA board which gives instructions to the user to access the Account. If the person is not authenticated then the process is terminated and the output is show on FPGA board with the help of LEDs. Keywords- Recognition, ATM, PCA, GSM, FPGA, Euclidian distance I. INTRODUCTION The face recognition plays very important role in security system [4]. The main objective of face recognition is to recognize person from pictures or video using databases of face. There are a lots ofRead MoreFeature Extraction Essay1576 Words  | 7 Pagesmany research works, the various feature extraction algorithms are used for remotely sensed imagery. 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Henderson ID: @02181956 Spring 2007 Abstract Table of Contents Principle Component Analysis (PCA) DefinitionÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â….4 Uses of PCAÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…5 Illustrative Example of PCAÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…5 Method to Determine PCAÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…..6 Basic Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Purpose and Definition of ANOVAÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…12 Illustrative Example of ANOVAÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â….12 RiskRead MoreAnalysis Of Data Tri On High Dimensional And Multicollinear Data3015 Words  | 13 Pages University of Connecticut STAT5605 Project :The Analysis of Data-TRI Prediction on high-dimensional and multicollinear data â€Æ' Contents [Abstract]: 2 Section 1: Introduction 3 Section 2: Data Description 4 Section 3: Methods and Models: 5 Section 4: Analysis of Data 8 Principle Component Analysis (PCA) 8 Ridge Regression 17 Section5: Model Comparison, Conclusion and Remarks. 20 Section6: Appendix 23 Appendix.A 23 Appendix.B 27 References 29 â€Æ' [Abstract]: This paper is mainly based on the dataRead MoreA Brief Note On Surface Water And Water1557 Words  | 7 PagesSurface water (waterways, streams, and lakes) covers almost 70% of the Earth s surface are the principle wellsprings of water for mechanical, household, and watering system utilizes making it a standout amongst the most vital players in the hydrologic and biogeochemical cycles. As critical as these surface waters may be, just a little number are kept up and found in their normal condition because of concentrated anthropogenic exercises, for example, urbanization and surface water contamination,
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Death Penalty Is Justified - 1184 Words
The death penalty has been implemented in the world since the early eighteenth century. When the United Stated was created they adopted this policy because it was one of the only way of punishment the world knew. But as time has gone on many countries have moved away from this practice in favor of long prison sentences and other types of crime determents. This is a very controversial topic in the U.S. within the recent years because many political figures have come out passionately on either side of the issue. Many people say that the U.S. needs to strongly consider moving away from sentencing people to death as quick as possible because many people’s lives are on the line. The death penalty has proved ineffective in deterring crime, is†¦show more content†¦We could just as easily sentence someone to life in prison without putting them to death and have the same result without killing a person. Many people who are sentenced to death spend decades on death row, so peop le who think about committing a crime don’t equate capital punishment with the crime they are thinking committing. If the death penalty doesn’t deter people from committing violent crimes then there is very little reason to keep it in place. One common misconception about the death penalty is that it is less costly than sentencing someone to life in prison. People think that since someone may spend less time in prison on death row that it would cost less all together but that is factually false. One of the main reasons its false is because all of the appeals processes they have to go through is very expensive. There have been many studies that show that it can be around three-times more expensive to sentence someone to death rather than sentence them to life imprisonment. That is taxpayer’s dollars going to something that costs more and works considerably less. If the United States decides to stop the death penalty the U.S. taxpayers could be saved hundreds of m illions of dollars within the coming years and even save them billions in the next few decades. Killing someone for a crime they committed seems very barbaric in its nature. It is a rather regressive form of punishment and the United
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Self Reflection And Correction On Social Work Practice Essay
Self-reflection and correction in social work practice is important for continued learning and professional development. Without self-awareness, social workers cannot separate their personal feelings, values, and attitudes from their professional. This is important because we need to focus on the needs of the client, not what we think they need. Knowing how to separate our personal feelings and values from our professional feelings and values will prevent us from getting burnout and help us maintain professional boundaries. My participation in Project Homeless Connect was a learning experience. Before my participation, I had assumed homelessness meant as living on the streets or in shelters without basic needs like food and clothing. These assumptions changed when I volunteered at PHC here in Rochester. There is a stigma of mental illness and drug use associated with homelessness and I have been guilty of looking the other way because I thought the same. What I realized that day is I had more in common with the people I encountered than I thought. I was familiar with many of the services offered that day. I personally know how hard it is to get those basic needs met and could have easily been in the same situation myself. I know what a difference having your basic needs met can do for you as an individual; I know how it feels to need and not have anywhere to turn. My personal experiences fuel my passion for social work. What I think would be best for someone may not beShow MoreRelatedCommunity-Based Corrections and Evidence-Based Practices1062 Words  | 4 Pagesbased corrections and the evidence based practices The residential community corrections facilities (RCCF) are now a common idea in the USA that directed at helping curb the rise in crime but at the same time decongesting the prisons as well as rehabilitation the deviants within the society. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Organization And Human Resource †
Question: Discuss about the Business Organization And Human Resource. Answer: Human Resource is considered as an essential resource of a business organization and human resource management plays an empirical role for the business entity in gaining competitive advantage. A few examinations have demonstrated that (HR) operations and activities affect the performance level and competitive strategies of a business corporation. Considering that human resource management (HRM) plays a strategic role for an entity (Managementstudyguide 2017). It is an operation within a business entity which is focused on selecting, overseeing and coordinating individuals who work in it. This idea oversees issues related to pay, execution organization, and advancement of an association, security, wellbeing, benefits, worker inspiration, preparing, and others. HRM has a key influence in managing people and the workplace culture and working conditions. If practical, the idea is equipped for contributing fundamentally to the association heading and the accomplishment of its destinations and objectives. The demonstration of HRM must be seen through the crystal of key goals for the business as opposed to a independent tint that takes a unit in light of a littler scale approach (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). The idea here is to get a far reaching point of view towards HRM that provides a surety, that there are no piecemeal procedures and the HRM approach traps itself totally with those of the authoritative objectives. For instance, if the training requirements of the representatives are fundamentally met with last minute preparing on omnibus focuses, the firm stands to lose not simply from the time that the specialists spend in preparing yet, what's more, lost heading. Subsequently, the business corporation that considers its HRM approaches significantly will guarantee that training is based and focused on topical techniques. According to Therith, (2009), it has been cited that HRM is the primary division which pushes the association to meet the objective since it works with line manager, has a decent communication with all division in an association, know clear about association's objective and target. So HRM has been considered as critical to for gaining success. Moreover, Din et al., (2014), observed that numerous scientists have discovered a positive connection between executions of the business entity and HRM activities. An increase in the pressure has been observed in the corporate sector to embrace the HRM operations to upgrade execution and aggressiveness of business operations which utilizes many individuals. An employee's execution can be expanded contingent upon the treatment distributed to them by the organization. Returns of the HRM rehearses are noteworthy if speculation is made toward this path. It can have a positive effect in diminishing turnover and expanding the profitability and productivity of the organization. The author also stated that HRM practices decidedly affect the aptitudes, abilities, knowledge improvement, and inspiration and raise the maintenance of skilled workers (Rees and Smith, 2017). Additionally, the weak performers are expected to leave the business corporation. Performance appraisal, internal promotion f rameworks, and motivation remuneration framework are known to inspire workers to enhance performance level and make strides the overall execution of the firm. Numerous specialists have called attention to that HRM practices can be utilized to pick up upper hand over their rivals and enhance the execution of firms which incorporates arranging procedure, training and advancement program, enrollment and selection programs, performance evaluation framework, compensation policy etc. As per the overview executed by Brown et al., (2009), analysts proposed a three-angled part by which the impact of these mechanisms (i.e., high-consideration, unrivaled work structures, and various leveled obligation) on authoritative execution is guessed to happen and moreover the sorts of HR rehearses that would add to this segment. At first are the "human capital base", which is a get-together of HR available to the business company, for instance, capability of workforce, information, and potential. The organizations enrollment, choice, preparing, and improvement process are proposed to explicitly impact the human capital data. Second is the affiliation's capability to move their HR, which gets influenced by varied strategies including prize and work systems. The last base is representative commitment, work configuration; work frameworks and so forth are prescribed to impact how much labors have the opportunity to contribute. Furthermore, the author also noted that a model has been proposed in which three mediating factors would direct the impact of HRM Operations on the performance of a business organization (Ahmad, Zaman and Shah, 2015). Initially, he recommended that expertise and capacity (quality) would be influenced by recruitment, training and advancement, and nature of improvements events. Second, exertion/inspiration would be influenced by single status, professional stability, internal appraisal, and individualized incentive frameworks. At last, he proposed that part of framework and discernment (adaptability) would be influenced by interacting, employee engagement and contribution, team performance, job configuration, as well as adaptable job details. Moreover, arguments have been made by others that effective and creative HRM operations and activities will be tapping the dedication and determination of the workforce within the business corporation (Veloso, Tzafrir and Enosh, 2015). For instance, "Innovative and creative human resource activities and functionalities are probably going to add to economic performance after when the followed situations are met: when workforce have learning and aptitudes that managers need; when workforce are inspired to apply this expertise and learning through optional exertion; and when the company's business or manufacturing strategy must be accomplished when workforce contribute such optional exertion. In the limelight of the above-executed analysis, it has been reviewed that Human resource management is the vital concept which plays a crucial role in enhancing the productivity of an organization. References Managementstudyguide, 2017, Importance of HRM for organizational success, Assessed on 2ND September 2017, Therith, C.T, 2009, HRM, Assessed on 2nd September 2017, Din, S., Bibi, Z., Karim, J. and Bano, A., 2014. HRM Practices Can Do the Miracles: A Case Study of Pharmaceutical Companies.Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS),34(2). Brown, J. Elliott, S. Hughes, J. Lyons, S. Mann, S. and Zdaniuk, A, 2009, Using Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices to Improve Productivity in the Canadian Tourism Sector, Assessed on 2nd September 2017, Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Veloso, A., Tzafrir, S. and Enosh, G., 2015. How employees perceive HRM practices: Differences between public and private organizations.Human resource management challenges and changes, pp.19-36. Ahmad, W., Zaman, N. and Shah, S.H., 2015. The role of HRM practices on employees commitment to organization in private sector Banks of Pakistan. A case study of District Abbottabad.International Journal of Research,2(2), pp.1288-1304. Rees, G. and Smith, P. eds., 2017.Strategic human resource management: An international perspective. Sage.
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